“I was blown away by A CASE FOR LOVE. As a leader in the national movement to bring Americans together, to inspire respectful conversation, and to build bridges across ideological and political divides, I found the film an utterly engaging, emotionally rich, vital reminder of the most powerful tool at our disposal: LOVE.”
– Kara Jarzynski, Executive Director, RESOLUTIOINARIES
“A CASE FOR LOVE reminds us that no matter who you are or where you are from, love and kindness is a thread that connects us all. We just have to be willing to choose it. Through wide-ranging interviews, the audience realizes that each of us is unique and has our own story to share. But it is the power of love and kindness which helps us overcome challenges, differences, and division.”
-Jaclyn Lindsey, Co-Founder & CEO of
“The dominant tone of social relations among us is one of fear. Now in this wondrous film, A CASE FOR LOVE, we have a compelling exhibit of a social practice that boldly contradicts the conventional practice of fear, scarcity, parsimony, and violence. A CASE FOR LOVE is a poignant documentation of the ways in which neighbors connect in generous ways with other neighbors across all the lines that divide us. This film is a welcome wake-up call among those who have too readily settled for an economy of fear. The makers of this film daringly bear witness to “a more excellent way” in the world.”
-Walter Brueggemann, Renowned Theologian

“A CASE FOR LOVE is the film America and every American needs right now. Our society and personal relationships are being poisoned by polarization. The way out of this toxic vortex is curiosity, compassion, and seeing humanity in those unlike ourselves. In a word, love. The Case for Love is a hopeful rebellion against the deluge of division and hate. This film reminded me that love is alive, wide and deep, if only we stop to notice it. And that a good first place to look is in the mirror. The stories left me more curious, more open hearted, more inclined to selfless love.”
-Pearce Godwin, founder of Listen First Project, the collective impact leader for the bridging divides movement of 500+ organizations in the Listen First Coalition
“Sitting with my love in A CASE FOR LOVE—you may have saved a life. No joke it was sooo hard, but she said this gives her hope and she wants to find purpose. Then she looked at my mom and she said: I want to die every single day. This makes me think I can live. She felt seen…”
– Jen J
“Beautifully done with meaningful stories of human connection and love. I left A CASE FOR LOVE inspired and a little less weighed down by the heaviness we see in media. People are good and love is essential..”
– Emily A. on Rotten Tomatoes

“I admit I went to see A CASE FOR LOVE partly because I have a slight connection with the group that made it. However, the documentary was so rich, the stories so compelling and the “case for love” was made persuasively but with a full acknowledgment of how tough life can be, that I was blown away. I hope it gets shown much more widely.”
– Joanne L. on Rotten Tomatoes
“The stories in A CASE FOR LOVE resonated deeply with the young people and evoked very poignant conversations about the healing power of love in their lives.”
– The Right Rev. Russell Kendrick, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast

“A brutal and beautiful love story that will open your heart.”
This Day Forward draws you in and envelopes you in a powerful journey that lingers long after the credits roll.
Anonymous: Executive – NBC Universal
Touching, poignant, and 100% true, This Day Forward traces a family’s perilous and emotional journey as their faith is put to the ultimate test. Hayden Wyatt and Randy Coleman are brilliant!
Ed Begley Jr. – Actor
I’m thinking of doing a screening, with dinner and discussion at church. I might partner with a local organization called “One Community.” I’ll keep you posted. Right now, we’ve been using the Parker Palmer book, “Healing the Heart of Democracy,” which has been an excellent basis for discussion. Hope you’re well. This is excellent! Stay tuned.
Very Rev. Troy Mendez – Dean Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
I am going to forward this along to Dean Troy Mendez who has been informally coordinating events with the LGBT community. I appreciate your sharing your work with us!
Rt. Rev. Kirk Stevan Smith – Bishop of Diocese of Arizona
What a powerful film! I was blown away by the depth and breadth of emotion conveyed in this real life story of a couple’s enduring love in spite of all odds. It took a filmmaker with Brian Ide’s vision to pull off this tragic love story. This film’s transcendent love story is grounded in human reality with complicated notions of what it means to have faith when one’s life is falling apart.
Hannah Wilder: Communications Director – The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego
“You don’t see films where there is no easy answer — bordering on no answer at all. There are many hidden gifts in the film. When the daughter is getting in the car to go out and not spend time with her father. She says to her mother, ‘He won’t even know who’s there. He won’t remember.’ The message of the movie for me was the unspoken answer, ‘But you will.’ I think that’s the point. If we are to be the author of our lives, we want a good story — not one where we run and hide.“
A compelling story of a wife and mother of three trying to hold her family and her faith together when her husband is diagnosed with brain cancer. At the heart of the story is discovering God’s presence and the support of church and friends when life falls apart and when answers don’t come easily… I am thrilled to be connected with a church which sets out to tell compelling stories where honest and deep faith meets up with real life challenges.
The Rev. Dr. Bob Dannals : Interim Rector – All Saints’ Church, Beverly Hills
Thank you!!! Great work!!! I have tweeted it and posted it on my personal FB page. I will get it on the Diocesan FB page soon. I will also share it with the Diocese via our weekly journals. I am boosting the first video on our Diocesan Facebook page and intend to do the same next week with the second. We are most grateful.
Rt. Rev. Dan Edwards – Bishop of Episcopal Diocese of Nevada
Soul touching. Heart breaking. Touching and hard story. Presented realistically. I’ve been caring for my mom for 5 years….and you get so exhausted you just want ONE normal day. What an excellent message. Hopeful and difficult at the same time. Loving and painful…at the same time. Aggravating and gentle in one moment.
Dani Loving Cartwright – VP of Operations, National Benevolent Association Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
My colleague and I both agreed that (This Day Forward) was the best film submitted to us in a very long time!
Alexandra Smith: VP Programming & Acquisitions: Hallmark Channel
God works in amazing and sometimes quite profound ways. He used the story of Mike and Jennifer and the Jensen family to unite an amazing cast and crew in a little town in Iowa – in hopes to share an amazing testimony to God’s Grace and Love; and a strong faith during a hard time. We all have times in life that are extremely difficult- “This Day Forward” helps us all remember that during these trials we all deal with things differently and yet in the end, our faith is the core of our strength. This movie has already changed lives- go see how God will use it in your life!
Pastor Brian Miller – Waverly Grace Baptist Church.
Thank you for sharing this brilliant and insightful video and for making it available to congregations for wider use. In the diocese I serve, I plan to make this video known and encourage its use. Please accept my gratitude for your work and prayers for such work in the future.
Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe – Bishop of Diocese of Northwestern PA
I am by no means a religious person, but the humanity of this picture – along with the excellent acting and production values – transcended any parochial differences. It is about the power of love, which I take to be the (too often ignored) essence of any faith. It was refreshing to see people acting like, and not just hypocritically posing as, Christians.
Chris Curry, Actor
“Told in a naturalistic, almost Ozu-like manner, it never forces a point on you, but rather eases you gently into its spiritual dimension. The movie is a gift which will inspire me for days to come.”
Thank you for sending me these powerful videos which are so very well done. The work and witness of reconciliation is the work of God in Christ and all God’s children are strengthened by acknowledging the dignity of every person. Bless you and bless your good work on behalf of the LGBT community . I will be sure these are seen in my diocese . Thank you.
Rt. Rev. Michael Vono – Bishop of Episcopal Diocese of Rio Grande
When the daughter is getting in the car to go out and not spend time with her father. She says to her mother, “He won’t even know who’s there. He won’t remember.” The message of the movie for me was the unspoken answer “But you will.” I think that’s the point. If we are to be the author of our lives we want a good story – not one where we run and hide.
Stephen Tobolowsky, Actor, Writer
I watched your video and was nearly brought to tears. It’s beautifully crafted, hitting just the right notes, and I am more than happy to share it with others in our diocese. Thank you for this important message!
Cate Wetherald: Director of Communications – The Episcopal Diocese of Spokane
This Day Forward is as good as it gets. A very fine true story film that so beautifully exemplifies courage and faith along with humor and hope of an extraordinary family. Brian Ide and his crew, the lead actors and all of the supporting cast were an honor to each of their talents and to this deeply compelling story.
Jean Hale – Actress and Producer
Thanks so much for sharing this. Not only is it incredibly moving and well done, but it caused me to commit the sin of envy at the resources you have. 🙂 And since you have said we can share it, I plan to do so widely in our diocese.
Katie Sherrod, Diocese of Fort Worth
It’s a very moving piece. But you know, the most interesting thing to me is how a liberal church in Beverly Hills reached out and connected to a community deep in the heart of Trump country. That’s a story.
Joel Rudnick, Retired agent
As a fifty year veteran of the film business, I was struck by the high quality of This Day Forward, which they achieved with a very small budget. The acting was superb, particularly by the two leads, Hayden Wyatt and Randy Coleman. It is an inspiring story well told. It is uplifting without being saccharine.
Steve Eastin: Actor and Owner: Steve Eastin Studio
Brian, thank you and all those who worked on this project for an excellent production – and for the opportunity to share it through our channels! The vision in the film of reconciliation on many levels is moving – an honest and hopeful vision. Our Communications Director Katie Sherrod has already started thinking about how best to use your powerful message in concert with our own. It’s a great gift and certainly supports our hopes to foster a culture in our churches where all are welcome. We’ll keep in touch to let you know how we share this film.
Tracie Middleton – Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth
Tears rolling down my cheeks. This is beautiful
Sharon Jenkens, First Baptist, Athens, GA
“Hayden Wyatt and Randy Coleman are brilliant!”
I am so proud of you all for this incredible work of art. The message is one that I believe sets apart the Episcopal faith as truly living the word of Christ. Congratulations on a job well done. Tears of joy are flowing…
Jeni Salassi, Christ Church, Covington, LA
The video is terrific on so many levels. It holds the church accountable for its treatment of LBGT folks, but shows that is not the only voice in Christian practice; it holds parents accountable for their response, but shows how hard but how important making an apology can be; how old wounds are easy to carry how hard they are to put down –how easy it is for them to get in the way of reconciliation; it shows how someone can hold their partner accountable in a loving and supportive way (“one of the first things you told me about your mother was that she was allergic to salmon”) and are open to help in the reconciliation; it shows a very loving and open father and a conflicted mom (not always the stereotype); and it holds up baptism in which all the promise resides.
Beautifully written … well shot and edited, and it is gentle in its tension. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Carol Bardwell, Episcopal Diocese of Texas
Beautiful to see God working through these two people, Brian Ide and Jen Jensen and the telling of the poignant story of Jen’s family, in the film This Day Forward. They are good, wise, strong, faithful and inspiring, and they have the courage to depict the messy truth, in a way that speaks to so many of us, no matter what trials we may face.
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church – San Rafael
Thanks so much for sharing your story. My father had 4 different cancers, last one terminal, passed at age 84. Mike sounds strong like my Dad and is a survivor – God Bless you all and we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Jon & Jackie Soblaskey (Hessel, MI)
We will certainly be praying for Aria, that the Lord will help her live out her destiny. Praying for an open door @ Milliken. And we’ll certainly keep praying for your family, Mike and the impact of your story together.
Sansaray & Christopher Walls (Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario)
Thank you for your honesty, your faith & faithfulness to your husband.
Ben Blobaum (Ambridge, PA)
A powerful film!
Barbara Costa (Ambridge, PA)
Wonderful story of LIFE and how messy and beautiful God’s plan can be. This movie should come back for more to experience it.
Briana (Madison, WI)
So meaningful! The movie captures life and faith in all of their many facets. I recommend it for many to see!
Pastor Jeff Tengesdal (Appleton, WI)
Amazing story – could relate to it, cancer myself as well as my family now.
Steve & Lenore Wright (Galesville, WI)
Amazing sense of family & living in grace even on the “bad” days.
Ruth & Hannah Scholze (Holmen, WI)
I struggle with a husband with mental illness and I feel a lot like the caregiver Jen portrays. I am thankful for your story and the hope you share with the reminders of holding on to that faith.
Wendy (Hutchinson, MN)
I’ve had 5 cancers since 2007 & 2 cancers – renal cell carcinoma & endometrioval ovarian cancer this year. I struggle w/ fear about my 4 kids – 2 of which are minors, as I’ve been told my kidney cancer will be recurring. Appreciated seeing/hearing about fear & anger in our walks of faith! Blessing to you all!
Trudy (Moorhead, MN)
Two things really hit me. I loved when he shared his story in church and the song was so vulnerable and honest – wow! I loved when his daughter shared his personal reflections from his journal. Revealing the inner struggles to love well when physically very hard.
Cliff Oje (Maple Valley, WA)
This film so clearly showed how hope can be found even in the most difficult circumstances. The film is honest, authentic and an important story of what families go through when facing serious illness. Bravo!
Jon Radulovic (Alexandria, VA – National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization)
This movie resonates with the reminder that cancer hits all of us regardless of our religion but the unifying bond of our love for one another is what defines our compassion and empathy for one another.
Richard Kirsch (Alexandria, VA)
Thanks for sharing your story in a true way – the struggles, the laughter and the tears. God bless you and your family.
Heidi & Richard Pankey (Cedar Rapids, IA)
Thank you for sharing this story. Prayers for all.
Alice (Forest City, IA)
This story is refreshingly authentic in portraying the times of struggle when God is present but not always easy to find. The courage of one family to tell their full story, not just the pretty moments, is a powerful ministry to others facing unimaginable hardships.
Hester Shipp Mathes
This was such a powerful movie and it will help so many people know they are not alone with their suffering and the challenges of care-taking loved ones. A gift of vulnerability and storytelling like this will strengthen others to share their own stories and open up to the connections that help us all choose faith instead of fear.
Jonathan Colton Chesney
My wife and I are not particularly religious. We went in order to support our friend Ben. We were amazed at the quality and honesty of this film. No punches pulled, no sugar coating of the day to life of a family attempting to deal in some way with a catastrophic illness to a husband and father. This at times is a hard film to watch due to the honest depiction of the pain and chaos that each day brings. However, for us the overall message of love, hope and faith (faith in each other, in family and in some higher power) carried the day. Like many others, our family has been affected. My wife’s sister is a brain cancer survivor. In summary, this was one of the best films that we have ever viewed. It needs to be seen by a greater number of people …….Thank you to the family for allowing us to be part of their lives even for a short time.
Paul Murphy
It was so well done and so heartfelt! I loved it. It’s a sad and honest story!
Kay Swanson Lum
What an amazing story! So glad to have watched this movie.
Sue Chapman
I was supposed to just be dropping my daughter off to see this movie, but she invited me to go as well at the last second and I honestly had no idea what the movie was supposed to be about but went out of love for my daughter. Man, was I ever moved and changed by this movie! I am a hospice nurse and lost a coworker to a brain tumor and also currently have a patient with a brain tumor, and this movie affected me so deeply. I am normally the strong person that consoles others, but I found myself bawling like a little baby and being able to release much needed hurt and sorrow. God bless them for making such a wonderful film. The acting was top-notch, and the movie kept me engaged every single second.This belongs on the big screen so it can bless many instead of a few!!
Camie Boyken
Thank you for coming to the Century 9 in Hutchinson, MN tonight. Your movie was raw, honest, and riveting.
Cheri Glesener
This movie is a must-see for everyone. I feel blessed to have been able to go to this movie and meet Brian and Jen. I cannot say enough good about it. It’s refreshing to see a “real” movie that depicts real life outcomes. People need to see the example of faith and courage shown in this movie. We all have challenges of some kind (different magnitudes) and periods of doubt and disbelief, but hope, love, and faith keep us going. Life rarely has fairy tale endings, but life is good, and life is a gift. This movie is a reminder of that. The acting is phenomenal, in my opinion, and this is a top notch movie, as a whole. It needs to be out there for all to see. Thank you for the opportunity to view it and be touched by it. God bless Jen, Mike, and their three girls, as well as all who had a part in this movie. ELE!
Darla Sharar
Powerful, real, and faith-filled.
Brad Miller
Go see it and talk with the people presenting it. They are wonderful.
Brent Paprocki
Amazing story…amazing and emotional movie and even more amazing people behind wanting to share their experiences to help others going through the struggles of LIFE. I brought my 10 year old daughter and 6 year old son. Didn’t expect my son to be so engaged as he typically just enjoys sports and animation movies, but after the movie he said mom that was sooooo good! Thanks for sharing your story with us!
Mel Keegan
I attended a showing in Omaha Nebraska thanks to Thrivent Financial who gave us the opportunity to meet the director and Jen. This movie is so uplifted, so comforting, so affirming. In the middle of the chaos of caring for a loved one and wondering, how, why God and able to allow God. Jen used the word Surrender…not to give up but to hand over control. My prayer is that this movie will allow others who are struggling with their own challenges to allow themselves to surrender.
Debbi Johnson Buike
Absolutely, I recommend this movie! Most movies are made to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. This movie is real-life and real-life isn’t always warm and fuzzy. Great movie…go see it!
Linda Hoaas
This was a very moving story. It tells the real truth about cancer and how family members can struggle with day to day life. This is a great movie.
Melissa Routh
Thank you for sharing your story and faith with us. Continued prayers for this family. Thank you for making this movie. God bless!
Jerilyn Fratzke Breitkreutz
A movie that deals with faith in the midst of everyday life with all its struggles. And it’s a true story.
Penny Entringer
We need more movies like this that celebrate how faith and family gets us through those valleys of life.
Charlie Capel
I am a direct support professional. I work with people with disabilities and B.I. This story hit home since it is something I deal with every day for over 6 years and is so enlightening to see from the family’s point of view. Love it!!
Shannah Nesler (Des Moines, IA)
Thank you so much for sharing this story – your lives w/us. Such bravery, courage and faith. The movie did an excellent job of blending hope but also showing real human emotion. More people need to see this on a nationwide basis. Thank you for your openness and work.
Kari Westmeyer (Columbus, NE)
We lived a block away in Waverly when Mike was diagnosed and played music with him at church. Our kids played together and we loved our time together with you all so much. We love you tons!
The Fevers (Des Moines, IA)
Thank you so much for sharing your story. Our journeys aren’t always easy but we are never alone.
Judy Lamb (Greenville, PA)
Jen your story instills faith to keep on praying, smiling and living. Thank you!
Heather Abbott (Sharpsville, PA)
This is a film that so many can relate to with different life experiences. Thank you!
May Ann Lou (Manchester, IA)
Really appreciated the honesty of this movie. I thought it would be another “sugar coated” Christian movie with cliches, but this was refreshingly honest and real.
Rick Biedermann (Fall Creek, WI)
My cousin died of brain cancer 3 years ago. Hey and I were the same age. He had seizures too. Thanks for sharing. So now I know more of what my aunt and uncle went through and his wife and step children. Much love to you, Jean and to your husband and kids.
Louise S. (Wahoo, NE)
Hey Mike, I was one of your vocal students. Thank you for everything and getting my back to Wartburg! You are truly my inspiration for music and faith! God Bless!
Kelsey Troe (Omaha, NE)
Thank you for sharing your story. The family at Detroit Lakes United Methodist Church are adding you and all to your prayer chain. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Blessings to your family and the production family with God’s Grace.
Rick & Tracy Pechmann (Detroit Lakes, MN)
You brave courageous lady/family. God Bless. I only went through 6 months – my husband had inoperable cancer.
Very inspiring.
I understand your story. I have had a brain tumor since Jan. 2016.
Maggie (Watertown, SD)
Wonderful – your family and friends are blessings. Thank you for sharing. God Bless.
God Bless all of you.
Wonderful – your family and friends are blessings. Thank you for sharing. God Bless.
God Bless all of you.
THANK YOU for sharing your story and incorporating your hope and faith in God along with it! The world needs this now. God Bless.
Sheila Fisher
Loved the movie! So very inspirational and REAL.
God Bless you all!
Great Movie. Great Message!
Great story – loved it.
Anonymous (Brookings, SD)
Thank you! You really are amazing. My older brother John Hesley Alexander was diagnosed with cancer in 1995 and we lost him in 1996. He had a wife and 3 sons. He was in the UK and I was in the USA so I missed so much but you gave me back that time.
Anonymous (Alexandria, VA)
Wonderful movie – very deep and heartfelt. The story of the family was very developed.
This movie is inspirational regardless of the difficult situation you find yourself in. Thank you for sharing this incredible faith filled story. It really helps. 99% of the time.
What an intimate look into a genuine family’s life! The true story is amazing and the music associated throughout the film was a gift! St. Thomas, Cincinnati thanks you and warm wishes.
Anonymous (Cincinnati, OH)
Beautiful movie.
Beautiful faith. I think what resonates the most is Mike’s journal – so simple and real. Life’s a struggle but we are doing it well if we follow God no matter what! Nothing else matters!
Thank you, Jen, for sharing your wisdom, strength and hope. You are an incredibly strong woman! This movie spoke to me and I am so grateful!
Well Done. Be Proud!
How to grieve with grief with grace and faith. Amazing testimony of how love can survive fear and anger. Family reality dealing with adversity and the changes in family dynamics through illness. Hayden made it real and very heartfelt. I could believe.
Thyra B.
I really enjoyed it..if that’s the right word. It’s unique. You don’t see films where there is no easy answer – bordering on no answer at all. There are so many hidden gifts in the film. That is a real tribute to the film making.
When the daughter is getting in the car to go out and not spend time with her father. She says to her mother, “He won’t even know who’s there. He won’t remember.” The message of the movie for me was the unspoken answer “But you will.” I think that’s the point. If we are to be the author of our lives we want a good story – not one where we run and hide.
Stephen Tobolowsky, Actor, Writer
I watched your video and was nearly brought to tears. It’s beautifully crafted, hitting just the right notes, and I am more than happy to share it with others in our diocese. Thank you for this important message!
Cate Wetherald: Director of Communications – The Episcopal Diocese of Spokane
This Day Forward is as good as it gets. A very fine true story film that so beautifully exemplifies courage and faith along with humor and hope of an extraordinary family. Brian Ide and his crew, the lead actors and all of the supporting cast were an honor to each of their talents and to this deeply compelling story.
Jean Hale – Actress and Producer
Thanks so much for sharing this. Not only is it incredibly moving and well done, but it caused me to commit the sin of envy at the resources you have. 🙂 And since you have said we can share it, I plan to do so widely in our diocese.
Katie Sherrod, Diocese of Fort Worth
This incredible film manages to be both absolutely authentic and genuinely inspiring at the same time. It highlights the little ways we share love with those closest to us each and every day and reminds us not to take those sacred moments for granted. Whatever challenge we are facing, this film reminds us that God can handle our fear, our sadness, and our anger and that He is with us through it all. I will be forever grateful for having seen this film! Thank you!
Jennifer Hicks
It was a blessing to host Brian & Jen and the screening of this amazing, honest and emotionally intense movie. This Day Forward makes you want to hold your loved ones a little tighter and appreciate the little things in life. It reminds us to put in perspective the inconsequential worries of life and place our trust in God when faced with the unthinkable.
Amy Nestingen Sevig
I had the great pleasure of seeing this movie recently. It’s a film with so much heart and soul it makes time stand still. Terrific work by cast and crew and a story that is told with great feeling and sincerity. I urge you to see it. I wish the film abundant good fortune.
Tom Judy
This was a deeply moving and honest portrayal of how a devastating diagnosis impacts a family and how they are forced to navigate the profound sense of powerlessness that comes with it. Having lost my first wife of 21 years to cancer 23 years ago, I was impressed with how this family was able to meet and overcome their fears, find strength in their faith, and ultimately come to acceptance. Well-written, directed and the cast was impressive. In some cases, actual real family members and friends played themselves to tremendous effect. Highly recommend this film.
David Deverell
This movie is spot on when it comes to what happens when cancer becomes a member of the family. You wind up so involved in the lives portrayed that when it ends you find yourself asking, “What happened after that…?
Rex Van Austin
I was truly moved by you and your family’s story. Your strength, determination, love and hope is admirable and this true to life movie incorporated all of those feelings in one day. My younger sister was also diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor at the age of 27 while 6 months pregnant with her 3rd child. She carried full term, gave birth and 2 weeks later they operated to remove the tumor. After chemo and radiation she is still with us today, 14 years later. We are blessed and so are you to have such a wonderful family and beautiful memories. Thank you for sharing them with us.
Heather Murphy
What a raw, honest, vulnerable story! Truly beautiful!
Rikki Laskowski Thompson
What an amazing movie about a real life journey. Full of real family and that is what makes it so emotional to watch. Thank you Jensen family for putting yourselves and your truth out there for others to see. Heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. Mike’s honest love of God will always stick with me from worshiping with him at Naz!!
Missy Robison
What a movie, what a family! This movie spoke to me as a patient and the impact of my treatment on my family. As a pastor, I recommend this movie on the way the family struggled yet was firm in their faith. I appreciated the differing viewpoints as Christians and non-Christians struggled and yet, ELE. They will know we are Christians by our love. I highly recommend this movie. I think it brought my wife and I closer as she got a glimpse of what I went through, and I was shown a new perspective of what she and our kids struggled with. It is difficult. It will bring up raw emotions in your life. It will help you to realize you are not in this world alone. So many are here for you and most importantly our God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit… will never leave you and hold you up. Praising God for our faith, our hope, and our assurance of salvation we have in Christ Jesus.
Ron Smith
This is a true story without fast forwarding through the bad times and telling it like it is!! I really was touched as I sat and watched this with my family. I was fighting back tears many times and laughed with joy just as many times. You will be moved!!! I know we were.
Kevin Thompson
Kept my attention. It really shows the importance of love, family and faith.
Brenda McIntosh
I saw it last night and am still grasping the meaning. Can’t wait to see it again!
Rose Smith-Neal
Amazing film based on a true story about a wonderful family who has been faced with one of life’s most difficult challenges. A sincere “thank you” to the director (Brian Ide) and the Jensen family for bringing this story to the big screen. A must see for all!
Jason Wulfekuhle
Saw the movie in Columbus Nebraska. Such an inspiring movie about faith and hope in God even in times of many struggles. The caregivers also have a very heavy burden to bear. Prayers for the Jensen family and all those facing similar challenges.
Joan Plummer
This movie is a must see!! It illustrates the reality of living in the midst of adversity and trying to understand why God allows cancer in our lives. Jen Jensen, the main character who is married to an amazing faith-filled man, is vulnerable in letting all viewers see her struggle with holding her family together and being okay herself. She allows us all to connect with her fear, anger, uncertainty, and faith struggle. Yet through it all there is somehow hope! Jen is brave in telling her story that we all wish we had the courage to tell. The Truth will set us free!
Carol Larson
Raw and truthful representation of a faith journey. Excellent film for families, churches and communities to watch together and discuss…
Micah Birkholz
Relatable, raw, intense. The struggles are real. Shows our faith doesn’t mean an easy path in life.
Ann Laurier
This Day Forward is an inspiring story of the power of faith through the struggles of cancer. It is an honest story of this courageous journey too many have to face. I hope I have the opportunity to see it again.
Sue Luken
It proclaims both the Paschal Mystery and the Theology of the Cross. If faith was easy, it wouldn’t be faith. Hope does not disappoint us! The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it. Mike Jensen proclaims the Truth: “But I trust in you, O LORD; I say, ‘You are my God.’ My times are in your hands.”–Psalm 31:14. We trace the rainbow through the rain and know the promise is not vain, that morn shall tearless be. O Love that will not let me go. In the name of Jesus…ELE. Thank you Jensen family and Brian Ide for sharing this faith story with us.
Rev. Dave Steffenson, Rochester, MN
Excellent, compelling story. Thank you for sharing this story.
Dera Hanson
The SINGLE MOST INSPIRING movie I have ever watched. If you haven’t seen this, PLEASE DO SO!!
Denny Bagby
Very inspirational. Thank you for making yourselves vulnerable by sharing your story to help others. Blessings
Shachrane Ownor (Ambridge, PA)
This is beyond my ability to express on these few lines so I will do so via email. God Bless!
Patti Normile (Terrace Park, OH)
Very inspiring – A real movie about Real Faith.
Renee Vanderwerth
An amazing testimony of faith, and of God’s faithfulness to us! I’ll keep you personally and as a project in my prayers!
Phyllis Chan
So touching and realistic.
Sharon & Ed Karlman (St. Charles, MN)
What a story – it is so touching!
Tryg & Karan Mathison (Holmen, WI)
Thank you so much for sharing such an authentic, real faith story! Reminds us of the book Messy Spirituality. So much more “real” than what passes these days for “reality TV!
Dan & Lynn Henderson (Holmen, WI)
Such a Blessing OMG!!! Thank you for giving me insight on how to keep praying & pressing through faith and prayer. Jesus is a healer!
Sherree Price (Aurora, IL)
Thank you Jensen for your vulnerability. Ide for your creative work. It’s how we can share each other’s pain, learn and support one another in the body of Christ.
Doug Snyder (Forest City, IA)
You were strangers when we walked in and now we know who you are. Your talk at the end of the movie added so much. Knowing you personally adds so much to the effect of the movie. Can you add that to the end of the film?
Karen Kinder (Brookings, SD)
What a tremendous film and story – so real and down-to-earth! I wish everybody could see this. Keep emphasizing its truthfulness. We have so little of that these days.
May Ann Reeser-Rudy (Alexandria, VA)
Please enter this film in the Sundance Film Festival.
Robert DiCaluqerd (Fairfax, VA)
My wife is writing more, but I appreciated the honesty and difficulty of the feelings. I lost a sister at 55 to a brain tumor – 11 months after diagnosis the connections were already very sporadic – thanks for bringing a voice to the tough times.
Joe Moore (Brookings, SD)
A wonderful story of faith, strength and love.
Mary Jane Skarren (New York, NY)
It’s a powerful line: “When we least feel like worshiping, that’s when we need to”. An inspiring story of how we never face things alone and how God’s presence often shows up in people.
Lou-Ann Rinde (Lindenhurst, NY)
Thanks for showing real life, showing a life of faith lived, a strong faith in respect to what is truly important, which isn’t always a clean house. Life can be messy and still full of faith and love and generosity towards others.
Velda Phillips (Waterloo, IA)
Mike, I love your faith and dedication to your relationship with God and your Savior. Keep the faith brother and send my thoughts and prayers to you and your family. God bless!
Pastor David Dunahou (Des Moines, IA)
It happened for a reason” + Hate that. So great to see you Jen!
Craig & Megen Johnson (Bondurant, IA)
Thank you so much for your willingness to be vulnerable with your journey/story. For it is only through being vulnerable that others can connect and know that they are not alone. Bless you and your family – James 5:16 – Praying for you!
Carol Larson (Kearney, NE)
We need more movies like this to combat those movies that promote senseless violence. Thank you.
Eugene Stork (Rising City, NE)
Amazing. Courage. Thank you.
Christina Louis (New York, NY)
What an awesome movie. We need more Faith Based true stories. There are so many movies out these days that are not worth seeing. This one was one in a million. I would sit and watch it again and again.
Connie Johnson (Lincoln, NE)
What an awesome movie. Thanks for the effort to put this together. May God continue to keep movies like this being made.
Lon & Bev (Beatrice, NE)
Jen, thanks for taking the time to visit with me after the movie. I’ve been personally struggling as a caregiver for my mother with Alzheimers, ill dad and husband. My best friend’s mother is on her deathbed. I broke down yesterday and cried and repeatedly said “I’m so tired” of … (everything.) I am a born again Christian, but did not realize until after seeing the movie that I was praying, but not really turning things over to “God.” Let go and Let God. Your movie was the testimony of your lives. I needed to move forward with God. Thanks for bringing me to this spiritual awareness. Love in Christ.
Tamm Secord (Syracuse, NE)
It was great to hear a true story about how a Christian family handles a crisis.
Elisabeth Taylor (Manchester, IA)
Amazing story or grace, struggle and many compromises. Thank you for the strength of sharing your journey with the world. God loves you!
Andrea Henson (North Liberty, IA)
How do you continue, day after day? You and your family are Amazing. I hope the best and a hug and a thank you to your husband to keep the faith.
Janet Williams (Lee’s Summit, MO)
Excellent Movie – Strong Faith Throughout – Jesus is Lord!!
I’m Jenny Leigh – My days of caregiving after 40+ years ended last month. I’m tired of saying “I’m ok”. I’m not!
Thank you for making something positive out of your troubles.
Anonymous (Watertown, SD)
Amazing – loved it! Thank you for sharing your story. We lost my brother in Feb. of 2018 and the quote “Give it to God”, so much comfort in this. For the producer: loved the way you put it together. I am the one who brought my 6 year old daughter and she stayed awake and honestly watched it. Her favorite part was when the dad sang ‘Daisy’ with his girls.
Anonymous (Columbus, NE)
Heaven’s unconditional Grace sustains! To Mike and Jenny, remember our Savior surprises us everyday. Faith Affirmation In A Thankful Heart!
Wendy Gonzales
Thank you for sharing your story. This came at a hard time in our life and might help my children deal with a difficult time. Thank you!
Thank you immensely for your vulnerability and honesty in sharing your story.
Seek the lesson to be learned” – most important line for me. Thanks.
The realness of this movie is simply amazing and really the way God works. Not just the hard parts but also the joy and every part of Jen and Mike’s journey. They are separate journeys but a path taken together. Thank you for allowing us to ‘be’ on your journey. I feel like I can continue on mine. Amen.
This movie was so powerful in helping to show how parent illness impacts kids in a family. Too much to think about.
I’m a guy – 83 years old. Guys are not supposed to have emotions or cry, right or wrong. I had tears during the last half of the movie – from the portrayal of a loving caring God who loves us with a love beyond our understanding. And we can, with the Holy Spirit, trust and believe in all circumstances of life. God Bless!
Duane Rinder Knecht
I hate the idea of ‘dumb suffering’ – meaningless and awful. This story encapsulates a blessing but it’s bittersweet… I want a softer conclusion, but then I remember that I forgot and I’m not the one whose will gets to be followed. Pray your path be smooth and your journey a blessing.
Thank you for sharing the events of your lives and for promoting and telling the Gospel of Jesus the Christ! Shalom.
Tim and Deb (New Ulm, MN)
Did you ever go to California after marrying with your new car? I hope so! Thanks for sharing your life story – it will help you later. In Christ, you will find all the love you need.
Louise S.
This Day Forward took me on a ride of gut-wrenching sadness up to a place of strength, calm, clarity and truth. Definitely not the ride I’d normally hop on, but the journey will always be held deep down inside as a life lesson on grace, love and caring.
Ellen Ginsburg: SVP Music Clearance – 20th Century Fox
Driving home after “This Day Forward”, I found myself suddenly overcome with gratitude to be a part of the incredibly creative and spiritual community of All Saints’. Told in a naturalistic, almost Ozu-Like manner, it never forces a point on you, but rather ceases you gently into its spiritual dimension. The movie is a gift which will inspire me for days to come.
Ted Dodd: EVP Creative Affairs – 20th Century Fox
Thanks for everything you do and can do for our LGBTQ community! God bless you in your efforts.
Rt. Rev. Chilton Knudsen – Bishop of Diocese of Maryland
It was an unexpected pleasure to watch “This Day Forward” which manages to give a sense of nobility to the challenges facing one with a terminal disease where suffering is shared with the various communities touching a person’s life. This film provides a rare positive glimpse of the strength of friendship, family and faith…each of which heals in its own way.
Richard M. Walden: President of Operation USA, an international medical relief charity
It was a moving and inspiring evening both in terms of the film itself and the story and community behind it.
Rev. David Farley – Director of Justice and Compassion Ministries – United Methodist Church
The film IS amazing, powerful, uplifting and every performance in it is top notch. Hayden nailed it, delivering a heartfelt and touching portrayal that anyone can relate to. She gave love and honor to anyone that has ever had to deal with facing down a challenge like the Jensens have.
Alfred Hopton – Publicist
Thank you for this work and for sharing it with all of us. Blessings.
The Rt. Rev. Lawrence C. Provenzano – Bishop of Long Island
What a tremendous body of work this turned out to be, your work associated w/the film is truly appreciated! I kept going back and forth on seeing this because I didn’t want to watch a “christian propaganda fluff piece”. I told myself to keep an open mind and let’s see what this has to offer. lets have some “faith” that perhaps this film will be thinking outside the box. The story, the actors, God Bless Randy Coleman!!! the music, the production team, all made for a truly heartwarming, realistic, NON PREACHY film. Focusing instead on one’s individual ideas of FAITH & HOPE and what that means to them. It is my HOPE moving forward that its message can be shared w/a much larger audience & be a comfort to those going through their own personal crisis.
Joseph Costello – Los Angeles
This is a wonderful film and I look forward to using this in our work going forward. Again, many thanks,
Cynde Bimbi – Communications Manager Diocese of Delaware
Brian – already saw it and passed it on to our LGBT committee – we are planning to add it to our website. Well done!
Canon Arguedas – Episcopal Diocese of Central PA
Brian, I had the opportunity to view the video last week, through the Episcopal Communicators’ listserv. It is beautifully done–so powerful, so relevant. We’ll be sharing it next week through social media and encourage our parishes to do the same. Thank you for giving us an amazing resource!
Kate – Diocesan News – West Virginia
“This is amazing. I needed to see this today. Beautiful work. Thank you!
Sarah Bartenstein, St. Stephen’s, Richmond VA
This is so well-done! So moving! Is this something we can share in our diocese? Perfect reflection on National Coming Out Day.
Vicki, Diocese of Western MA
I was extremely touched by the entire movie and story and it took me a little while to process to put into words the impact that you are making within God’s kingdom. Jen, the strength that you show to be able to tell this story day after day and being willing to share it with strangers is amazing. So again thank you. This story is close to home for my family because 2 years ago my father-in-law Mike had a massive stroke in his brain. Even the title of the movie This Day Forward really embodies how everything really changes in a moment and life is never the same. I know that this impacted my mother-in-law Sue in a very powerful way because she was putting herself in your shoes because she has become Mike’s 24 hour caretaker and the realness of the film was very powerful for her to see. You and her are amazing lights from Jesus of whom I admire because you had to step into a life you did not choose or ask for. In the midst of anger, heart ache and difficulty though you still connect to Jesus and keep your eyes on him even in the darkest days. Something you said stuck out to me, that you have never been more sure you were supposed to be doing something in your life and I want to encourage you that God has you in this path to encourage others from the strength and openness that pours out of you and into those who witness your story. Again, thank you.
Chris Reid Groenendyk
This Day Forward was a warm and inspirational true story movie dealing with difficult family challenges. A must see movie for any family that is less than perfect.
Richard Pankey
Thank you for coming to Detroit Lakes, MN. Real testimony of real faith in a really tough life situation. Jesus never promised us this life would be easy, in fact He said we WILL have trouble; but sometimes it seems we’re losing the battle. Thank you for the encouragement and being obedient to the leading of God in bringing humanness to our daily Christian walk.
Vivian Makes Sazama
Thank you for sharing your story. It was very beautiful. It made me cry .I hope to buy a cd of the beautiful songs soon.
Joann Contreras
A must see. Blessings to this family.
Marge Hoff
This movie is so powerful!! It’s about courage and leaning on God’s strength for hope and to go that one step forward when you think you can’t. This story is so truthful and honest. Jen and Mike have been my neighbors and we go to the same church and who this movie portrays them are who they truly are. God is using their story to show that if you lean on God anything is possible!! This is amazing testimony of what God can do for you in your life as well during times of struggle.
Sheila Fox
Heartbreaking, while being such an inspiration.
Connie ‘Cobb’ Sutphin
I expected this movie to be another overly sentimental and “sugar coated” movie with religious cliches. But I was pleasantly surprised by the honesty and reality of what it’s like to struggle with cancer and the challenges this brings to faith. This movie is well produced and well acted and I would highly recommend it.
Rick Biedermann
Absolutely beautiful, raw, inspiring film.
Tara George Rodriguez
This movie is a must see-especially for those in need of reassurance that even the strongest followers have faith that can waver. Mike helped me through the passing of my mother from cancer and then, not long after, he found out he had cancer. In the midst of their sicknesses they both had that 1% of the time they questioned God—but they always went back to Him. This movie helps show that faith will always win in the midst of challenge, as long as you hold on to it and don’t lose hope.
Nicole Fisher
This movie is truly remarkable. It is raw, emotional, and so worth seeing! I lost my husband to cancer 10-1/2 years ago. This movie paralleled my own journey as the primary caregiver of a loved one going through the medical procedures and emotions of dying. Sadly, my husband didn’t win his fight…but I believe that is because God had other plans for me. The walking away from home, steroid rage, fragility of what was once a vibrant man, losing his hair, falling down and not being able to get back up by himself (also due to steroids wasting the muscles) took me back to that time. It was real, it was hard to sit through. I nearly left the theater to catch my breath and remind myself I am no longer in that situation … but I persisted and made it through the movie. God bless you all. I send you my love and a {hug} to hopefully help you through what comes next.
Sylvia Schultz
Feel so blessed to be able to see the screening of this new faith based movie. Such a real life story. Thanks for coming to Des Moines.
Tammy Reimers Miller
This movie is outstanding. I lost my husband to cancer. This movie tells just how it is when a family member faces the dreaded C word. I would highly recommend this movie to everyone–young and old.
Dixie Line
Just saw this tonight! So powerful and moving! I recommend anyone to see this movie! So amazing to meet Jen tonight! She is a true gift from God! Blessings to all!!!
Sandra Walters
Totally awesome leap of faith to produce this movie!
Rev. Bennett Jones
What a powerful and extremely authentic portrayal of the Jensen’s story! Not only does it share their story of how their family struggles with their faith in the midst of Mike’s diagnosis and decline, it is eye opening for those who can be supporting a family dealing with a cancer diagnosis.
Kim Rosholt Kelly
This movie is so true to almost everyone that has a family member struggling with cancer in some form…wonderful cast and director! It was told so accurately about the family…Wonderful Movie! A must see!
Dianne Healy
Absolutely beautiful movie with a raw, truthful telling of a relatable story.
Shay Dahle
The movie is the story of a family dealing with cancer – raising young children, staying connected or finding the connection to God, and learning to cope with the effects of a disease and the treatments needed to squeeze a few more years into the time left. The strong faith of Mike and his family during his battle is inspiring and amazing!!
Sue Cira
Just a beautiful story of faith and love in the midst of the most difficult of times. Check out the locations and definitely go see it if it comes near you!
Rev. Jeni Grant Bohls
What an amazing movie of faith, perseverance and love. If you have an opportunity to attend, PLEASE do! Continued prayers for the Jensen family.
Karon Johanna Hammond Jurgemeyer
I really appreciated this story, my wife Viona &I have been married 68 years & have been blessed. We had a terrible thing happen in 1976, we lost a daughter, son-in-law and a granddaughter who was to be born in two weeks in a gun suicide situation. We have survived 42 years only because the Lord carried us there.
Lowell Hunt (Detroit Lakes, MN)
Loved the flow of the movie – the “in process” feel and genuine tone of actors/plot. Great work – Take care!
Sandy Sevig (Bloomington, MN)
Excellent – Pass it forward – want to see it again with family members.
Yvonne C. (New Ulm, MN)
Such an amazing story of love, faith & hope.
Jennie Childs (Eau Claire, WI)
Such an inspiring and REAL story – Thank you for sharing it.
Joanne Berg (Madison, WI)
1) Turn it over to God. 2) Asking for more time with children. 3) Journal was powerful.
Mike Vitale (Brookfield, IL)
Prayers for all on the journey and path of the unknown. Our ways are not His ways, our thoughts are not His thoughts.
Connie Sutonin (Aurora, IL)
I am encouraged to offer help to those going through hard times. If we all do a little to lessen the load a family has to carry going through a hard time. Thank you for sharing the story.
Janet (Hutchinson, MN)
May God bless you as you travel this journey! You are a part of a community – we are more the same than different. Thank you for sharing humanness, joy and pain. It will help many.
Bill & Brenda Gran (Sioux Falls, SD)
Inspirational and authentic. Real and relatable. Hayden is an amazing talent. Beautiful story that is well told. Faith restoring.
Kat & Cal Alexander
True and takes your heart to a level you never knew. God is amazing. What a talented group, especially Hayden. Amazing actor with a fabulous spirit!
Starling Davis (Nashville, TN)
Really eye opening! I have many friends with family cancer struggles, but I haven’t had a very personal experience. It really showed me what they’re going through. I also have that 1% when I don’t trust in God, but mine is more like 15%. I will forever think about this movie when I’m confronted with fear.
Selma (Solon, IA – age 15)
It was such a natural and heart loving movie. It really spoke to me because my grandmother in 2008 had passed due to lung cancer. She starts to lose memories but always believed and taught me that god loves me + you and he has a plan. That’s what I continue to believe.
Kyle Shephard (Solon, IA – age 15)
The power of story = universal truth. I especially appreciated the reflection bag on Mike’s life when he was younger and physically active as you told the story of his present reality living with brain cancer. “I have never disliked a person after I knew their whole story.
Kathryn Franzunburg (Cedar Rapids, IA)
A lot of Heart. This movie defines what the term “family values” really is about.
Tony Campisi (New York, NY)
This is a story that needs to be told. Tell more!
Sharon Ullrich (Brooklyn, NY)
What a powerful, raw, honest, vulnerable gift you are sharing! May God take your story and multiply its impact beyond your dreams! Thank you.
Rikki Thompson (Sharon, PA)
God Bless you all for perfectly illustrating the fear, anxiety and scariness of our lives and how we are all in this together.
David Folding (Townsend, MA)
Jesus made the message simple. Love always wins.
Debora Lea Chung (Fitchburg, MA)
Thank you for making a film that portrays Christians as genuine human beings and not caricatures.
Rev. Bennett Jones (Fitchburg, MA)
This is a vision of community, of living, of life and faith through the challenges of things that bring fear, anger and despair. People need to see and hear that they are not alone. Thank you!
Rev. Ernie Favrar
What a story and thanks for being so Real and vulnerable. Isaiah 41:10. Bless you!!
Ken & Marta (Omaha, NE)
Jen, you are an amazing, confident, patient, loving, mother/wife/friend. Your story is so amazing and inspiring! You have so got this!
Clare Boysen (Corvallis, OR)
Sharing this story is incredibly encouraging to anyone that is facing a difficulty, to know others have too, that can make a difference. To see how faith can also provide hope is a gift.
Kerry Boysen (Corvallis, OR)
99% is such a powerful universal statement! and the healing that comes from communal care – they are things we cannot do alone – but together yes – the power of a determined woman that holds everything together no matter what, life the hub of a wheel, universal too! – and shows the healing power of family/community is stronger than all the science skills together.
Anonymous (San Rafael, CA)
Thank you for sharing your personal story. I lost my husband 10 1/2 years ago and found a lot of parallels in your story – you are brave.
Sylvia Schultz (Iowa Falls, IA)
I just want to tell you how much that movie HIT ME last night. Absolutely humbling! I couldn’t be more blessed to call you my friend. I pray for you everyday. Love to you, Jen. Be safe in your travels.
Denny (LaCrosse, WI)
May you know God’s profound love for you. May you be able to rest in and receive HIS power, His strength, his mercies and his peace. He is with you ALWAYS! In his precious son’s name – Amen.
Jen – You are the Blessing! Claim a new one everyday! Praying for you in your journey.
What was beautiful to me was the reassuring message that it’s okay to be angry, to hurt and feel sad. I feel like people today are trying too hard to pretend like it’s all easy, that they can do it all alone. However, real healing and hope happens when we take off that mask, stop pretending that it’s all fine, and find people to open up to. Those we love and who love us in all of the brokenness and grief.
Rebecca Vape (Iowa City, IA)
Incredibly well done. Speaks so much to faith over fear which we all face at some time in life.
You can get through it if you will go through it.
This movie spoke to me with a power that is hard to describe. I don’t cry at movies and I was teary through most of the film. Very well done!
Such a beautiful, tender, poignant, love story. Very well done. I hope this can be seen by thousands.
The reality and down-to-earth quality of this film is tremendous!!!
Mary Ann (Virginia Theological Seminary)
Thank you for your courage and love. God is walking with you each step of the way. Hugs.
Thank Redeemer’s Unconditional Salvation Totally! Many thanks for using a very painful and trying experience to glorify the Lord’s love. Thanks and prayers.
Bob & Wendy Gonzales
The Power of love and faith was palpable throughout the film. Thank you for being real!
Keep up the excellent work – the film was fabulous!
As a non-religious person, I just wanted to applaud the universality of ‘This Day Forward’s’ message compared to some faith films! ‘This Day Forward’ is refreshingly devoid of ideological and doctrinal preaching. Instead, its story of human perseverance and hope resonates with all regardless of religion. Bravo!
This has been amazing. God is so pleased with this ministry and your sacrifice to share your story. This testimony will change many lives and I can see you are a strong woman of faith. Praying for supernatural strength and healing.
Anonymous (Kansas City, MO)
I really appreciate watching a film that is Real and not overshadowed by ‘the star actor/actress’. You could focus better on the story because you weren’t there for a name.